Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 12: New Media and Public Relations

The emergence of the Internet had created a new platform which PR practitioners can reach out to their targeted audiences. This is especially so when the targeted audiences are the younger generation, who are IT-savoy. Online platform such as blog and tumblr had become the new online publication, instead of News letter. It allows the message to be spread in the shortest time possible, but also, perhaps, in the most cost effective manner as compared to its offline counterparts.

However, due to the opinion-based nature of Blogs and Tumblr, PR pactitioners using these platform need to be extra careful in terms of choice of words and style of writing to avoid "hard selling". Also, this platform needs to be maintained on a regular basis so in order to stay relevant to the campaign.

Since the Internet allows the campaign to reach out to the mass, the amount of critics drawn will increase. As such, PR practitioners will need to multi-task to ensure each enquiries/ feedback are attend to in the shortest time possible. If not properly mend, it back fire.


  1. Hey! It is true that new media has indeed created a platform for PR practitioners. But one has to be weary of the media as well as it is a double-edge sword. it can portray us on a bad light as well. Thus PR practitioners should know how to handle the media.

    Comment on my blog especially the 0 comments please! hehe!

  2. Hey Kenneth, it's very true that new media channel that are more opinionated-based could backfire on us. Hence I agree that it's important negative comments or feedback are attended to in the shortest possible time; especially so before the media picks up news coverage on it and it starts to spread.

    - Andy Wang
