Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 13: Focus on Asian Public Relations Management

Unlike previous chapter, this reading focus on the PR practises in Asian cultures. The start of the chapter attempted to explain what may be the contributing factors - Trade, Language, Government intent, stakeholder and personal interaction- that differs the job if done within a western culture.

It then went on to look at the cultural practise in various Asian countries. This provides an insight to what is like to practice PR beyond the boarder of Singapore. Afterall, Singapore has been a melting pot for various cultures and practise, both east and west. Therefore, the practices may differ accordingly to regions under the strong influence of Eastern culture.

Be it whatever region the PR practices are carried out, it is important to be sensitive towards the local culture. This will determine the failure or success of campaigns. Therefore, any foreign PR practitioners should integrate into local culture as soon as possible. The best way to this is to work out a dynamic and diplomatic working relationship with the local colleages. They will be the primary guides into the Dos and Don't.

After all said and done, it depends on the effort and luck of the individual PR practitioners. =)


  1. I agree that it is important to be sensitive towards local culture because culture is like the root of each country and it varies. Singapore is a multi-cultural country and it is good that Public Relations practitioners are coping well. Language is another major factor that may arise cause different countries have different native language therefore it is important to grasp the language of the specific country in order to build good public relations.

  2. Latching on to what Jayne has said..different cultures require different practices and strategies and that's in Asia alone - not talking about the Western culture where most countires share the same traditions.

    End of the day, I agree with Kenneth noting that sensitivity towards a local culture is probably an essential aspect to grasp and always uphold as if we can't do PR properly in a home country, we probably will screw up other plans that will come our way
